
Rin Jin Thar Chhin Rinpochi

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Maniganggo is situated at 4100m above sea level in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, a north-western region within the Sichuan province.  Ground travel would take about 20 hours from Chengdu via the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, passing by the Western Sichuan Plain, Ya-an City, Tianchuan (Sky Spring), Yuè Liàng Wān Da Qiáo (Moon Bay Bridge), before going through the Er Láng Shan Suí Dáo (Two Chaps Tunnel), the highest tunnel, in terms of altitude, in the whole of China at the present, then off to Rì Yù Gāo Yuán (Sun Bathing Plateau) and followed by the famous historical city, Lu Dìng, then to Xin Dao Qiáo (New Capital Bridge), Tǎ Gōng Dà Căo Yuán (Ta Gong Big Plateau), Sì Gū Niang Xuě Shān (Four Girls Snow Mountain), Bā Měi (Eight Beauty), Dào Fú, Kāng Zàng Gāo Yuán (Kang Zang Plateau), Lú Huò, Ganzi, and the Lián Huā Shēng Dà Shì Shān (Padmasambhava also called Padmakara or Padma Raja).  In summer, temperature in Maniganggo ranges from 7 to 25˚C and in winter, the temperature could drop to 0 to -20˚C.  Kāng Huì Hospital picked Maniganggo as its home because the location ideally lies in the crossroads leading to Zhouqian, Qinghai, Dêgê and Lhasa so more people in need could benefit from the services the hospital has to offer.






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