
Rin Jin Thar Chhin Rinpochi

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Kang Hui Hospital Medical Trip ˇV 28 May to 11 June 2007


The Kang Hui Hospital was established in 2005 to provide free care to the residents of Maniganggo. The hospital now has a Tibetan doctor in residence, managing the hospital. 

 Maniganggo severely lacks dental care. Due to this need, we began recruiting dentists to provide free treatment for the local residents.  Soon after we posted a request for volunteers, I was introduced to Dr. Au Yeung.  After learning about the project, Dr Au Yeung immediately agreed to serve as volunteer dentist, and invited Miss Luzy Chin, dental assistant, to join us.  Our group of six (including another project initiator, Miss Alexandria Fu and two volunteers) began the journey to Maniganggo for two weeks.

After arriving Chengdu, we met another therapist and drove 18 hours to Kang Hui Hospital.  We were very excited about the beautiful scenery on the way to Maniganggo.  There were vast prairies, robust pastures, snowy mountains, beautiful lakes and unique Tibetan architecture.  As the hospital is located in the mountains at 4,000 meters above sea level, we needed to rest for the first day before we started to work.

On the second day, there were many patients waiting for dental checkups before the clinic opened.  I acted as an intake nurse, recording all the patientsˇ¦ names and medical history, and took photos for their records.  This was the first time for a dentist to visit the hospital and with only simple equipment he provided fillings and extraction services. The Tibetans had little knowledge of dental hygiene; most of the patientsˇ¦ teeth were too bad to undergo the filling procedure.  I most effected by two patients.  First, an elderly woman who needed four extractions (three were molar), leaving her without any teeth.  Second, was a 12 year-old boy with very nice teeth when he smiled.  However, upon inspection, Dr. Au Yeung found that he had four molars which were seriously decayed.  The boy liked eating sugary candies, but did not brush his teeth.  Unable to perform so many extractions on such a young patient, Dr. Au Yeung was able to remove the most painful molar These cases show the importance of education.  We need to teach the residents of Maniganggo about dental hygiene.

In addition to dental care, a therapist treated patientsˇ¦ muscle and joint pain.  Many older patients had some small scars on their knees.  Upon inquiry, they told me that in order to relieve the joint pain, they used incense or wooden sticks to burn the joint area. The pain they endured must have been unimaginable.

Although this medical trip was short, all the volunteers had unforgettable memories and experiences.  Patients rode to the clinic by horses to see the dentist and therapist.  Staying at the hospital enabled the volunteers to better understand the Tibetan culture. The visit to Maniganggo proved to be priceless to not just the residents we helped, but the volunteers as well. Kang Hui Hospital, see you next year!

                                                                Vivian Fung Oct 2007

Kang Hui Hospital Medical Trip ˇV July 2009

Two years have passed since my last visit to the Kang Hui Hospital, although the memories of my time spent there are still fresh in my mind. 

My visit began in Chengdu. Our group of volunteers spent time purchasing medical equipment and preparing for the journey to Maniganggo, where the hospital is located.  Although the path leading to the hospital was long and rough, and took many hours, I was delighted to be able to observe the nature and wildlife.

In two weeks, volunteers from Taiwan and Hong Kong will visit the Kang Hui Hospital.  We will distribute free medication to those in need.

I am so looking forward to this trip and to sharing my experiences with all of you!    

                                                               Vivian Fung  July 2009





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